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Where is the best place to put my HRT patch?

Written by Dr. Cooper - February 12, 2023

The Best Place to Put Your HRT Patch

Are you considering hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to alleviate your menopause symptoms? If so, one of the most common types of HRT is a transdermal patch. But where is the best place to put your HRT patch?

Why Placement Matters

Before we dive into the specifics of placement, it's important to understand why placement matters. The goal of HRT patches is to deliver a consistent dose of hormones into your bloodstream over time. To achieve this, you need to apply the patch in an area with good blood flow and minimal body hair.

Options for Placement

Here are some options for placement:

Tips for Placement

No matter where you decide to place your HRT patch, there are some tips you should follow:

  • Clean and dry the area before applying the patch
  • Avoid using lotion or oil on the area
  • Rotate the location of each new patch
  • Remove any old adhesive from previous patches before applying a new one

Consider Consulting with an Expert

If you're still unsure about where to place your HRT patch, consider consulting with an expert at Hormone Treatment Center hormone replacement clinic. Our team of experienced professionals can guide you through every step of your hormone replacement journey, including proper placement of your transdermal patches.

Final Thoughts

Proper placement of your HRT patch is crucial for ensuring that you receive a consistent dose of hormones over time. When deciding where to place your patch, consider areas with good blood flow and minimal body hair like the abdomen or buttocks. And don't forget to follow our tips for proper application! If you need further guidance, don't hesitate to reach out to us at Hormone Treatment Center hormone replacement clinic – we're here to help!

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